Today felt like fall. After the impressive 100 degree heat we had in July, August has been super-mild. We've had two weeks now of mid-sixty degree weather with occasional rain. At first I resisted the fall feelings; after all, we've got an entire month of summer left. Summer really feels like July & August to me, so it is just wrong to give up an entire 1/2 of summer to an early fall. But how can it feel like summer when you find yourself dressing for colder weather?
I purchased some fall items when I recieved some birthday money in July. I found myself pulling those items out this week, already in the mode for fall fashion.

I also pulled out some fall flats to replace my daily flip-flops (one of the joys of not having a real job is spending ALL summer in flip-flops!). Way back in March I posted one of my first blogs about finding my own personal style in the Lucky Magazine fashion guide (see Well Its not about world peace ). I used that knowledge to help me purchase these flats.

Not only are my fashion thoughts moving to fall, but I am focusing on what's coming up for fall for my kids. We've entered our fall sports seasons already (soccer and swimming) and school clothes and school supply shopping is in full swing. After all that school shopping, I don't have the cash for it but I find my thoughts are turning to what costumes my kids will wear on Halloween.
I suspect that we'll have another month of nice weather starting next week. I'll probably put my flats back into the closet and pull out my flip-flops. I might even pull out the beach-friendly summer bag...but I doubt that I'll re-inflate all the pool floaties and the slip-n-slide. Summer can come back if it wants to, but it can't push fall entirely back into the closet now that it has peeked its head out.
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