It is going to be a busy weekend for me and I wanted a cute sundress to wear to a variety of events, so I grabbed the kids that weren't puking and headed to Macy's. I liked this dress as soon as I tried it on, but the price tag of $59 was a bit off-putting. I know it is not THAT expensive, but I definitely stopped to consider whether I wanted to dip into my August and September clothing budget to do it. I heard my friend Melissa's voice in my head, encouraging to buy fewer things that I really like and spend less time scouring the clearance racks for bargains. I decided to go ahead and get it.
When I got up to the counter, I told the sales associate that I might have had a coupon at home but didn't bring she rummaged around and found me one for $20 off. Yippee for me. $40 bucks for a dress that I love makes me happy!
Cute, cute, cute!