Since I slept in till nearly 8 am (8 am!!!), we didn’t get checked out till 10 am. Scott got up at 6:30 am, but I have no idea what he did with his time because I was lost in dreamland. He did snuggle back up with me at 7:30, but I’m pretty sure he did that just to wake me up.
We had considered a number of plans for our Friday morning…kayaking out to see some turtles, snorkeling at black rock, swimming in the pool…but we just didn’t want to get all wet in the morning and then try to pack our wet clothes by our checkout time at 10am.
So we decided to go to the movies instead. The Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Anniston and Gerard Butler opened today and it had an 11:45 showing. We headed to the theater but started to have second thoughts once we were in line for tickets. If the show doesn’t get out until 1:30 and our flight is supposed to leave at 2:45…and we have to return our rental car…do we really have time for this? We opted to not risk it and just some time hanging around the mall and having lunch. There was a significant line at the airport, so we were glad we got to the airport at 1:20 instead of nearly 2 pm.
But…then we got delayed for mechanical failure, so it really wouldn’t have mattered if we’d taken the time to watch the movie. Hey, that’s the way the beach ball bounces, right?
We ended up with a 3 hour delay, which we decided to eat and drink our way through. First, Starbucks. Scott (I told you he always orders better than me) ordered a super yummy dark chocolate cherry mocha. My regular mocha was delicious, but not as delicious as his.
Then, when we knew it was going to be a long delay, we went and found Claire and Klye again. Since they were on our flight home too, we might as well spend our time hanging out. There was a Sammy Bar and Grill in the airport, created by Sammy Hagar "to help the children". I never saw it clarified which children he was supporting. Hopefully it wasn't just his own.
When it was finally time to board the plane, we headed back to our gate. We saw Lily Jang was waiting to get on the same flight that we were. Lily Jang is a broadcast journalist for Q13 Fox News. She's a great newscaster and also happens to be super hot.

So that's it people...the end of my vacation. We got in at 2:06 am on Saturday the 20th and were picked up at the airport by my super-sweet father, who didn't even complain about the time. The kids were already asleep at his house, so Scott and I crashed at our until 9:30 that morning and then reunited with our kiddos.
Thanks for reading all the way through my vacation blog posts people. Y'all make me happy.
Sounds like the whole trip was wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys. Congrats on 15 years together!! Look forward to seeing you soon!