Hubby told me that we needed to pick out new phones for the next 2 year plan from Verizon. I tried to look at the phone choices online, but it was just too much pressure to choose a good one so I told him to choose for me. I ended up with a Samsung Alias.

I love it! The coolest thing about it is that it opens 2 ways. You can open it into a standard flip phone, like so:

or open it the opposite way for a keypad that works great for texting, like so:

The text on the buttons change depending on what direction you open the phone, which I think is super cool.

I'm in the middle of transferring all of my contact info from my old phone to the new one. The process of doing so is like a walk down memory lane. I've got Sunny and Lisa's number from when they came to visit me. I've got my previous house guests numbers. I've got cell phone numbers of my cousins from when we met for dinner and a hockey game. I've got several girlfriends numbers from before they got married. I've got people's numbers that I considered deleting, but I know as soon as I delete a number I'll wish I had it again. I even had one number that I didn't know whose it was.
Next time I'll probably take both phones down to the Verizon store to have them transfer all my contacts for me, but it was kind-of fun to review all the cell phone numbers I had saved and remember when I got them.
I'll leave you all to ponder how blessed I am and envy my new phone. =)
Congratulations, I hope you two will be very happy together!