Sunday, May 3, 2009

And the Award goes to...

I am exhausted, but what a great day. This afternoon we held Spunky Girl's 5th birthday party at a nearby park. Blessedly, the rain waited till after the party to come down and we had nice weather. I don't know how I would have made it through today without all the support I had. I just have to give out awards...

First, to my husband who gave up his usual post-firehouse-shift sleeping time to help me today, I give the Oscar award.

Second, to Halcyon who helped me get everything I needed to the park and helped me set up for the party(and cleaned up my kitchen before we left), I give the Grammy award.

Third, to Amber and Keri who turned out to be the best-darn-face-painters-and-friends a girl could have. For your time, energy and surprising amount of talent, I give to you the "Star of the Party" award. Seriously, they were GOOD. Check out some photos of their work:

And finally, to my sister Tory, who watched the Big Guy for me all throughout the party. What would I have done without you? You are the best. I give you the chocolate award; you deserve it!

2 kids down, only one birthday party left to throw this year. Yippee!

P.S. A little "shout out" to Glen. Hey! Glad you read my blog. It was great to see you pop up in the comment section. Hope to actually see you someday soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the award, I had fun doing it. But feel free to make me a mocha sometime.


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